Brace height.

A bow’s brace height is measured from the bowstring to the grip throat or pivot point of the riser. Brace height is critical to your bow’s performance, tuning and quietness when shooting. We recommend use the aprox 7.5-8.5” brace height on your bow to maintain optimum performance. You can generally make reasonable adjustments to your brace height by twisting/untwisting the string. Adding twists will increase your brace height. Ensure you do not untwist past the minimum recommended level or it may increase noise due to limb slap, increase forearm contact, or stiffen the dynamic spining characteristics of you arrow, which occurs through changed arrow velocity. Do not untwist any string (especially a Flemish twist) past a point where it contains less than ten twists remaining.

Setting up a rest

Your bow is meant to be shot with arrows resting on the shelf or using a stick on style rest. When shooting off the shelf use a rug or leather style rest. This is usually a two piece rest with one piece covering the shelf and the otter attached to the riser face immediately above it. Pace a stick on style rest on the riser above the shelf, centering the rest over the deepest part of the grip throat.

Nock Height.

For proper arrow flight, you have to attach your arrow to the right place on the bow string, in relation to where the arrow sits on the riser. This is a bit of an art, but is a must do technique that any aspiring archer needs to learn before advancing their shooting. Once you have set your arrow rest, and brace height you can then proceed to set your noking height. If your string has come with the brass noking point pre-installed your arrow nock will locate below this. This ensures you are locating the arrow in the exact same position on the string each time. If there is not noking point attached to the string, you want to attach a nok or locater above the precise point to stop the arrow sliding up the bowstring. Use a bow square to determine the correct nocking height. Set one end of the bow square on your rest or shelf and then attach the other end of the square onto the bow string, over the centre serving. You want the arm of the square to be perpendicular to the string. Tie your thread or attach a brass nok set 3/8 to ½ inch above the center line on your bow square. Nock an arrow and then visually asses this looks correct, the arrow should only be slightly angling down towards the tip. Some people prefer to also add a nocking point below the arrow nock, however, this is personal preference.